Conference: 1st Singapore Heritage Science

Venue: Nanyang Technological University – School of Art Design and Media, Level 2, ADM Auditorium
Address: 81 Nanyang Drive, Singapore 637458
From a 21st century global perspective, new insights in the meaning and importance of heritage can help guide strategic policy choices. Indeed, heritage policies deeply impact the development of local identities of cities and countries. Given its short history and limited number of data (relative to e.g. China and Europe, where an overwhelming amount of data interferes with the feasibility of complex case studies), Singapore may be an ideal place to develop the management tools to do this and thus serve as a global case study. These tools may be tested and applied first in Singapore, and then exported to other countries.
In our conference, we propose to observe heritage through the lens of complexity science, which studies emergent properties in systems with many strongly interacting players. In particular, we realize that heritage is shaped by complex interactions between the present and the past, giving rise to different regimes separated by tipping points. To decide whether we wish to remain in a regime or to make a transition to a different one, we need to measure how close we are to the various tipping points. Complexity theory offers the tools to detect this. In particular it helps us to understand the nature of regime shifts in terms of ‘who’ (key players), ‘what’ (key heritage elements), ‘when’ (key timings), ‘where’ (key locales), ‘why’ (key drivers for the change), and ‘how’ (key mechanisms). Once we understand the regime shifts, we can then offer suggestions on data-driven procedures to engineer a desired regime, move towards it or stay within a given regime.
In the conference we intend to answer the questions:
What does Heritage mean for the future of Singapore? How can complexity science help Singapore to make the best possible decisions with regard to its heritage and the way it may help Singapore to face the challenges of the 21st century?
Singapore intends to pioneer the combination of these two sciences, Heritage and Complexity.
We warmly invite you to participate in what promises to be an exciting conference.
Videos & Presentation Slides
Bertil Andersson – Welcome Address
President, Nanyang Technological University
Vibeke Sorensen – Opening Address
Chair of School of Art, Design and Media, Nanyang Technological University
Jan Wouter Vasbinder – Opening Address
Member of Governing Board, Para Limes
Andrew Tan (Keynote Chair)
Chief Executive, Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA)
Helga Nowotny
Past President, European Research Council and Professor Emerita of Social Studies of Science, ETH Zurich
Panel 1: Complexity & Heritage Sciences
Helga Nowotny (Chair)
Past President, European Research Council and Professor Emerita of Social Studies of Science, ETH Zurich
Roland Fletcher
Professor of Theoretical and World Archaeology, School of Philosophical and Historical Inquiry, University of Sydney
John Stephen Lansing
Visiting Professor, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Nanyang Technological University
Panel 2: Emerging Challengers in Heritage Science
Khoo Teng Chye (Chair)
Executive Director, Centre for Liveable Cities
Michael Walsh (Associate Chair, School of Art, Design and Media, NTU) for Lisa Ackerman
Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, World Monuments Fund
Stefano Bertocci
Professor of the Faculty of Architecture, University of Florence
Alessio Re
Programme Specialist in Heritage Management and World Heritage Studies, UNESCO-ITRECH and SiTI
Panel 3: The Future of Heritage Science: Primary, Secondary & Higher Education in Singapore
Gül İnanc (Chair)
Lecturer, School of Art, Design and Media, Nanyang Technological University
Chua Ai Lin
Assistant Professor, Department of History, Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences, National University of Singapore
Ivy Maria Lim
Assistant Professor, Humanities and Social Studies Education, National Institute for Education
Teo Hui Lin Lena
Curriculum and Assessment Specialist, Nanyang Girls’ High School (Former Senior Curriculum Specialist, History Unit, Ministry of Education)
Opera: “D’amor sull’ali rosee” Italian Opera Arias
Supported by the Embassy of Italy and Italian Cultural Institute in Singapore, and Yamaha Music (Asia) Pte Ltd Singapore
Akiko Otao
Francesco Frudua
Dr. Gianluca Rubagotti – Welcome Remarks
Deputy Head of Mission, on behalf of HE Dr. Paolo Crudele, Ambassador of the Republic of Italy
Panel 4: Architectural Heritage
Michael Walsh (Chair)
Associate Chair, School of Art, Design and Media, Nanyang Technological University
Cao Yongkang
Director, Shanghai JiaoTong University International Research Centre for Architectural Heritage Conservation
Yeo Kang Shua
Assistant Professor, Singapore University of Technology and Design
Jean Wee
Director, Preservation of Sites & Monuments, National Heritage Board
Julia Watson
Assistant Professor, The Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation at Columbia University
Panel 5: Intangible Cultural Heritage
Elaine Ng (Chair)
Chief Executive Officer, National Library Board
Wan Wee Pin
Deputy Director, Engagement Division, National Library Board
Liew Kai Khiun
Assistant Professor, Division of Broadcast & Cinema Studies, Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information, Nanyang Technological University
Julia Chee
Deputy Director, Oral History Centre, National Library Board
Ng Bee Chin
Associate Professor, Nanyang Technological University
Andrea Nanetti and Cheong Siew Ann – Closing Remarks
Conference Chairs

Heritage Science as a Complex System
Date: 6 – 7 January 2014
Venue: Nanyang Technological University – School of Art Design and Media, Level 2, ADM Auditorium
Address: 81 Nanyang Drive, Singapore 637458