Para Limes

Seminar: An Interdisciplinary & Intersectoral Approach Applied to Asia’s Future

Seminar: An Interdisciplinary & Intersectoral Approach Applied to Asia’s Future

Joergen Oerstroem Moeller

Cand. Polit. (Master of Science, Economics) University of Copenhagen 1968

Moeller joined the Danish diplomatic service February 1st 1968 and worked with European integration 26 years (1971 to 1997); from 1989 to 1997 as State-Secretary. From 1997 to 2005 Ambassador to Singapore and Brunei Darussalam and from 2002 also Australia and New Zealand, residing in Singapore.

In 2005, he joined the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS), Singapore as Visiting Senior Research Fellow and the MFA Diplomatic Academy as Senior Fellow. He is Adjunct Professor, Copenhagen Business School and Singapore Management University (SMU), member of Singapore National Council, INSEAD, Council of The World Future Society, Board of Governors ASEF (Asia Europe Foundation), Economic Association of Singapore, and ASEM Vision Group working from 1998 to 1999.​

His recent publications in English are:

Singapore 2011: How Asia Can Shape the World, ISEAS.
Singapore 2009: Political Economy in a Globalized World, World Scientific.
Singapore 2008: European Integration – Sharing of Experiences, ISEAS.
Singapore 2004: A New International System, ISEAS.
Westport CT 2000: The End of Internationalism or World Governance, Greenwood Publishing House.
Westport CT 1995: The Future European Model, Greenwood Publishing Group
Date: 30 May 2013

Time: 3pm – 4pm

Venue: Lecture Room 5, Level 3, Nanyang Executive Centre

Address: 60 Nanyang View, Singapore 639673


An economist looks at the future of Asia in the prism of interdisciplinary & intersectoral approach. Economic theory does not any longer provide relevant answers. The models build obviously on behavioural patterns, but equally obvious they build on observations in the past. This works fine if fundamentals such as technology and culture are basically unchanged, but lead to wrong policy recommendations and predictions when they are not. It is imperative to incorporate not only other social sciences, but also neuroscience, religions, and philosophies in mapping out how people will react. This goes beyond just putting various disciplines together; it requires a new way of thinking primarily starting by defining the problem and then working backwards to find out which instruments and means help us to get there. In this respect a look at Asia’s traditional philosophies & religions & history may help much more than sophisticated economic/econometric models.